10 NOV 2015

A beautiful pineapple=awesome! Also a whole case of flour tortillas. 


  1. brandonLA@mail.com

    hello, i have been dumpster-diving for about a year. i need some advice. first, i live in oregon, and

    diving itself is legal as far as i can tell. however i am doing it at the nearest market, a "grocery outlet".

    have you any dealing with them? are they a particular hard case? i have been stopped by the cops occasionally.

    a few times they drove past with just a nod. other times they explained that what i was doing was technically

    "theft of sevices" and they departed. last night a deputy stopped me and and i got the impression that the

    next time i would be arrested. the cop said i could do it if i had the company's permission. how would i go

    about getting it? i do this after hours, i don't make a mess, etc. is there any particular argument i can

    make, who would i send it to? how would i phrase it to make it more palatable? is there any way to turn the

    murky legal situation into my advantage? what if i say i am looking for cans to recycle? which i do collect

    when i find them.i would appreciate any advice on this. happy holidays.

    thanks, brandon A

  2. brandonLA@mail.com

    hello, i have been dumpster-diving for about a year. i need some advice. first, i live in oregon, and

    diving itself is legal as far as i can tell. however i am doing it at the nearest market, a "grocery outlet".

    have you any dealing with them? are they a particular hard case? i have been stopped by the cops occasionally.

    a few times they drove past with just a nod. other times they explained that what i was doing was technically

    "theft of sevices" and they departed. last night a deputy stopped me and and i got the impression that the

    next time i would be arrested. the cop said i could do it if i had the company's permission. how would i go

    about getting it? i do this after hours, i don't make a mess, etc. is there any particular argument i can

    make, who would i send it to? how would i phrase it to make it more palatable? is there any way to turn the

    murky legal situation into my advantage? what if i say i am looking for cans to recycle? which i do collect

    when i find them.i would appreciate any advice on this. happy holidays.

    thanks, brandon A


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